

S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online. It supports Amazon S3, Google Storage, and OpenStack and effectively provides you with a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with Internet access. S3QL provides a standard, full featured Unix file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Additional features include compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees, and snapshotting, which make it especially suitable for online backup and archiving. The design favors simplicity and elegance over performance and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection, error handling, and extensive automated test cases are provided.


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2011-12-06 12:29 リリース一覧に戻る

A「ValueError: NULL 値をダンプすることはできません"されたファイル システム メタデータが重いファイル システム アクティビティ中にアップロードされたときのクラッシュを修正。s3qlcp とディレクトリ一覧が非常に大きなディレクトリのパフォーマンスが向上しました。Rm パフォーマンス回帰を修正しました。-ブロック サイズに - obj の最大サイズは変更されました。大きく同時ファイル システムの使用状況の下で起こったいくつかのクラッシュを修正しました。python llfuse 0.37 は今使用されます。
タグ: Stable
A "ValueError: Can't dump NULL values" crash when file system metadata was uploaded during heavy file system activity was fixed. s3qlcp and directory listing performance for very large directories were improved. An rm performance regression was fixed. --blocksize was renamed to --max-obj-size. Some crashes that happened under heavily concurrent file system usage were fixed. python-llfuse 0.37 is now used.
