

GNU nano(「Nano's ANOther editor」または「Not ANOther editor」)はテキストエディタPicoの強化版クローンです。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2009-02-08 16:06

このリリースでは、能力を実行して検索を中止する(主に便利な構文カラー強調表示のいくつかの長期延滞パフォーマンスの改善が含まれて編集するときに、非常に大規模なファイル)、および機能を標準入力を閲覧するためのページャのように、nanoを使用する(すなわち"ナノ- ")。さらには、アールをgentoo構文の強調表示の更新および問題の修正奇妙な親ディレクトリのアクセス許可を持つディレクトリ内のファイルの読取りています。キーバインディングのコードも大幅に変更されたために複数のISO - C互換のため。
タグ: Unstable, Major feature enhancements
This release includes some long overdue performance improvements in syntax color highlighting, the ability to abort running searches (useful mainly when editing very large files), and the ability to use nano like a pager for viewing standard input (i.e. "nano -"). Additionally, there are gentoo syntax highlighting updates and fixes for issues with reading files in a directory with strange parent directory permissions. The key bindings code was also substantially changed in order to be more ISO-C compatible.

2008-11-11 06:56

タグ: Unstable, Minor feature enhancements
This release includes a new check for external modifications when saving a file, some code and documentation cleanups, and more bugfixes for the new undo code.

2008-09-07 06:11

タグ: Minor bugfixes
This release only updates the translations,
backing out the translations that were updated in
2.0.8 which were copied from the 2.1 series. That
"translation backport" unfortunately caused enough
problems that a full release is being made to fix
it. If you do not use alternative language
support, however, feel free to skip this release
as there really are no other changes.

2008-08-31 16:08

タグ: Unstable, Major feature enhancements
This release contains a better fix for incorrectly reported successful writes on full filesystems, more helpful messages when an internal error occurs in the undo code, and fixes for various combinations of configure-time options and compiler flags. Also included is new support for changing the rc file name at configure time, and using GNU-style regexes for word-boundaries on systems that do not support them natively, as well as the ever popular translation updates.

2008-08-25 06:54

タグ: Major bugfixes
This release contains fixes for several long-standing issues, including crashing when starting with too small a window size, compilation fixes for AIX curses, crashes in the help menu using some locales, and an issue where nano mistakenly reported a successful file write on filesystems that are almost completely full.
