このメンテナンスリリース(長期9年)は、このいくつかのプラットフォーム上でクラッシュを引き起こしている可能性があります古いバグ立っては、Microsoft Windows(を使用してNSISを)、新しいWin32バイナリMinGWのMSVCのは、コアアルゴリズムの修正の代わりにコンパイルされたセットアッププログラムが含まれています様々な貢献のパッチをFreeBSDとMac OS X用のサポートに関する
Minor bugfixes
This maintenance release includes a setup program for Microsoft Windows (using NSIS), new Win32 binaries compiled with MinGW instead of MSVC, a fix in the core algorithm (a long-standing 9 year old bug this might have caused crashes on some platforms), and various contributed patches concerning support for FreeBSD and Mac OS X.
Joystick support has hopefully been fixed. It had
been missing for several years due to dead and
untouched broken code. Other minor bugs have also
been fixed. As usual, the game comes with still
more new maps. One notable change is that it now
uses Allegro 4.2.0. RPM packages have not been
generated yet.
A nasty network bug which caused too many sockets to be opened has been
fixed, and bots are now excluded from network games by default. The
random map generator has been updated.
The random map generator now works fully under Windows. Unix static binary packages have been linked against a lighter version of Allegro, which could prevent some yet unexplained segfaults on BSD and some Linux distributions.
This release contains many more maps and makes it possible to associate maps with textures. It also comes with Danish support and a random map generator. Of course, there are several bugfixes as well, especially concerning network play under Windows.