Full support for JasperReports 3.6.2. New properties to control the chart Vertical Tick Labels. A new feature to import settings from another iReport installation. Support for the new group property "Footer position" and "KeepTogether". Support for $X{} syntax in SQL. Support for OrderByExpression in the crosstab bucket. Support for cascading input control (available in Jasperserver Professional 3.7). Several bugfixes.
This can use XLS as a data source. It has an OpenDocument Spreadsheet exporter and XLSX exporter, new TrueType font management, full support for JasperReports 3.6.1, the SubreportOpenerProvider interface, a new font combo box, the command line option (-N) to disable the use of a network, a wizard to import TrueType fonts, a wizard to create JasperReports font extensions, improved JasperReports properties management, support for horizontal filling of the List components, and support for the new isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter property. It has moved to the NetBeans platform 6.5.1.
JasperReports 2.0.2 is fully supported. Ignore
pagination now works correctly in the Element
Properties docked pane. The XML datasource was
fixed. java.util.Collection was added to the list
of suggested parameter types. The addLinkType
method was added to add a link type from a plugin.
The size of the fonts bigger in the floating text
window was increased. Right to left alignments may
be done in the static field floating text window
Full support for JasperReports 1.3.4. A new XML field mapping tool. A new document structure outline. Improved refactoring capabilities. An improved report query dialog. An improved UI with sortable tables. Several bugfixes.