

!HotSheet は、インフォーマ RSS ライブラリ上に構築された RSS ニュース リーダーです。ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェイスとインストール ワンクリックのみ、Java Web Start の使用のおかげで。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2001-12-28 19:30
0.93 alpha

タグ: Major bugfixes
A fix for a long-standing bug that corrupted your channel list, and a workaround for a Sun bug that caused the "smearing" effect on text when scrolling through the list items. No announcement was made on freshmeat for 0.92 alpha, but it added some good Python script examples and numerous rendering improvements including scaling of large channel images and the ability to skip display of channel images altogether if you want more space for text.

2001-11-12 21:06
0.91 alpha

タグ: Minor feature enhancements
Fixes were made for a parsing bug and for the option to delete viewed news
items on exit. Window position and size are now saved on exit and restored on
entry. All errors, including parsing errors, are now logged to a rotating log
file that is stored in the .hotsheet directory. Sorting commands were added for
the news items.

2001-10-23 21:24
0.90 alpha

スクリプトの原油のバージョンは、IBMのBeanのスクリプティングフレームワークを使用して追加されました。設定ファイルの重要な設定を保持するために実装されました。プロキシのサポート(認証プロキシを含む)は、Java Web Startの外HotSheetを実行するユーザーのために追加されました。タイミングチャネルの検索も追加されました。
タグ: Major feature enhancements
A crude version of scripting was added, using the IBM Bean Scripting Framework.
A preferences file was implemented to hold important settings. Proxy support
(including authenticating proxies) was added for users who run HotSheet outside
Java Web Start. Timed channel retrieval was also added.

2001-09-20 20:43
0.62 alpha

タグ: Major feature enhancements
The RSS library has been rewritten to retrieve multiple news channels in
parallel, using threads. The HotSheet program, which uses the library, was
updated to work with these changes. Additional changes were made to the way in
which it displays progress. A sound is now played whenever news retrieval pulls
new items.
