Lots of the API was rewritten. A generic
multi-sided Polygon object was added. Light was
rewritten, and the point, spot, and directional
types were added. Geometry stores contain a list
primitive of types such as points, lines, and
polygons (as an optimization for grouping). All
scene-related items from Container and Model were
moved to Scene. The surface index is shared by all
primitives in list, instead of being separate for
every polygon (as an optimization for material
rendering). More tiny functions were inlined for
speed. More files are documented with Doxygen.
This release moves to a more modular framework. It
includes a console file conversion tool, a GUI
application, some object API changes, a SIGSEGV
handler, a modified build system, and configuration
dialogs for the PostProcess and Rendering modules.
glview was merged into convex3q. GLRenderer has 8
default lightsources for cases where none is available.