Cleaning up of upload temp files was fixed. Publication worker thread priority was lowered. The "HTTP error when all went fine" UI popup was fixed for certain operations. Other minor fixes were made here and there.
Many performance enhancements, notable mainly when working with workspaces having thousands of files stored. Publication output can now be directly stored on an FTP server. WebDAV fixes: browsing empty folders does not give errors anymore, and browsing a folder with thousands of files works again. Files can now be uploaded with IE7 (the IE uploaded file naming issue is solved). A new CHM Project (Windows applications help file) toolchain to be able to generate .chm output.
"DAVの"リンクボタンは、直接URLを任意のDAV準拠のXMLエディタでファイルを開くために取得します。 Internet ExplorerのUIに多くの修正。パブリケーションを作成するだけで、選択したXMLファイルとの互換性ツールチェーンを提案する。ユーザーはWeb UIからログアウトすることができます。ヘルプとフルユーザーズガイドへのリンクは、Web UIでご利用いただけます。 RTF形式とDocBookファイルのPS出版の出力をサポートします。
WebDAV, Bugfixes, Improvements, speed, RTF, PS, online help
A "DAV" link button to get the direct URL to open the file in any DAV-compliant XML editor. Many fixes to the UI on Internet Explorer. When creating a publication, only toolchains compatible with the selected XML file are proposed. Users can now log out from the Web UI. Help and a link to the full User Guide are available on the Web UI. RTF and PS publication output support for DocBook files.