

ARSC 本当にシンプルなチャットは、PHP と MySQL を使用して、Web チャット システムです。それすべてのブラウザーで動作する存在、さらにテキスト ベースのものとサーバー プッシュの技法を使用してまたは、可能であれば、独自のソケット サーバー。それはインストールして ARSC を使用して非常に簡単です。演算子、キック ing、ウィスパ リングなどのいくつかの重要な機能が含まれています。複数の客室とさまざまな言語は利用できます。あなたのサイトで ARSC を実行するには、理解 PHP は、Web サーバーが必要し、MySQL データベースに接続することができます。


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2006-05-02 11:51

タグ: Minor bugfixes
A bug that broke the installation routine was fixed.

2005-11-22 20:39

タグ: Major feature enhancements
A dedicated ping frame was added, moving the ping functionality away from the userlist. A 'flag as idle' functionality, which flags users that would have been kicked in former versions as idle, was added, allowing for other users to log in as the idle user if they have the same IP or, if it is a registered user, know the user's password. The user is de-flagged if he sends in a ping again. The socket server was removed; it will be reintroduced once it is stable.

2005-07-26 08:53

タグ: Major feature enhancements
Stability and performance were notably improved. A
basic refresh version without any JavaScript was
added. A version which utilizes XMLHttpRequest was
added. Greek, Spanish, French, Portuguese
(Brazil), Jugoslovenski, and Dutch language files
were added. Two non-critical bugs were fixed. A
basic set of documentation was added.

2005-04-13 16:53

タグ: Major feature enhancements
The auto-logout functionality was dropped from the
browser_push version in order to improve
stability. A bug that prevented httpd processes
from correctly terminating was fixed. The database
tables were switched from microtime (bigint)
values to primary key for message index.

2005-02-21 17:13

タグ: Minor feature enhancements
A script was added to avoid the case where the
session ID of a user is sent within the referer
when clicking on an external URL posted into the
chatroom. This is done in order to avoid session
theft. Rooms may now contain special characters,
and a faster and more compatible color picker was
added. A Bosnian language file is now included,
and the browser_push version uses less bandwith.
Registered users can now re-login quickly, even if
their former session did not time out correctly.
