フォーラム: ヘルプ (スレッド #40205)

equivalent of -N option; tunnel without shell (2018-12-13 22:47 by nemo_nemo #82265)

Can I use ttssh without invoking a command or shell, like ssh with the -N option?
(This is used if the user has an invalid shell configured, so he only can use port forwarding, but not execute commands on the target system.)
I tried defining tunnels in teraterm.ini and set LOGIN_SHELL = No in cygterm.cfg, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

Thanks in advance, fp

Re: equivalent of -N option; tunnel without shell (2018-12-14 10:37 by doda #82267)

Currently there is no way to disable the starting shell session.
If you created a ticket for a feature request, we will consider adding this feature.
#82265 への返信

Re: equivalent of -N option; tunnel without shell (2018-12-19 22:43 by nemo_nemo #82301)

Did that. Thank you.
#82267 への返信