You can use syntax similar to Trac, MoinMoin. Also read Link formats, Block processor, and Extension/Plugin.
You can embed font style by adding marks around both ends of the text string.
Each will be expressed as below.
All font styles (except inline formatted text) can extend over lines.
'''bold. Here as well.''' Revert back to original.
-> bold. Here as well. Revert back to original.
Within an inline formatted text using {{{string text}}}, Wiki grammar rules will be invalidated and expressed in fixed pitch. When using `string text`, all the link notations within the string text will be interpreted.
You can create a heading by typing "=" at the beginning of a line, then hit the space bar before you type in your heading. You can place the same number of "=" at the end of the line, but that will be simply ignored.
Also, at the end, if you write a string text right after "#", corresponding ID will be generated.
== Header Level 2 === Header Level 3 === Alternate 3 === ==== Header 4 #header4-sample ==== Alternate 4 === #header4-sample2
By inserting a blank line, you can divide a paragraph. (For HTML, use p element. )
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
Expressed as:
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
By writing [[BR]], you can force line break.
It's more commonly recommended to divide paragraphs properly rather than to force line breaks. [[BR]] You can also write in the midst of [[BR]] a line.
Expressed as:
It's more commonly recommended to divide paragraphs properly rather than to force line breaks.
You can also write in the midst of
a line.
You can make a list by placing an indent marker which is just a blank space. For markers, you can use * i. a. 1. and so on.
* Itemized list * The width of indentation is 2. If the indentations are aligned vertically, even with a line break, the item will continue. * The next item. 1. You can also create a list with number indenting. 1. Number used as marker will be simply ignored. 9999. As of now, you can not change the starting number. *You need to add a space between a marker and string text.
Expressed as:
If you start a line with "{{{", text from that starting point to "}}}" will be displayed as formatted text. There, all interpretations of Wiki syntax rules are invalidated, and lines within the block will be outputted as HTML pre.
{{{ '''All''' the letters in between the brackets * will be outputted the way they were typed. }}}
Expressed as:
'''All''' the letters in between the brackets * will be outputted the way they were typed.
If you specify a name right after "{{{", it will be formatted properly. If you omit the name, it will automatically discriminate. For more details, read block processor.
{{{ code ruby class OSDN def hello puts "world :)" end end }}}
Expressed as:
By having ">" at the beginning of a line and hitting the space bar before you type in a string text, you can make a quotation. Nesting levels are expressed accordingly to the number of ">".
>> Original content > Someone's comment Your own text
Expressed as:
Original content
Someone's comment
Your own text
By having "||" at the beginning of a line, you can create a table. You can also draw borders by using "||". You will also need "||" at the end of the line.
||cell 1||cell 2||cell 3|| ||cell 4||cell 5||cell 6|| ||It will||not||be divided|| ||Even there is||an item||with different||number of cells||
Expressed as:
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 | |
cell 4 | cell 5 | cell 6 | |
It will | not | be divided | |
Even there is | an item | with different | number of cells |
By having four or more hyphens at the beginning of a line, like "----", you can make a horizontal line.
Expressed as:
WikiPageNames and URL will be automatically hyperlinked.
* FrontPage *
Expressed as:
There are also other ways to generate links. For more details, read link syntax.
Having "!" right before, it will escape.
!'''It won't become bold. Stop the link to !WikiName.
Expressed as:
'''It won't become bold. Stop the link to WikiName.
Things like displaying images inline can be done by using plugins. Read extension notation.
更新日時: 2016-01-19 16:22:45, 更新者: sado
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