With OSDN Wiki, you can generate links in many different types of formats.
More than two English words starting with capital letters put together without a space in between will become a link. Numbers will be treated just the same as lower case letters. Anything besides alphabet letters and numbers will be not become a link, for example if you use Japanese Kanji letters.
* FrontPage * FrontPageTest21 * 21FrontPage
Expressed as:
For those that are not CamelCase, using “wiki:Wiki pagename” will force them to become the links to Wiki page. If you add “project Unix name” right after “wiki:”, it will become the link to Wiki page for other projects. Due to the specifications of link, you can not use :#[]!'" for WikiName.
* wiki:FrontPage * wiki:21WikiName * wiki:docs:WikiLinks
Expressed as:
If you want to use Japanese, Chinese and Multibyte language Wiki name, it's simpler to use bracket link.
With “project:project_Unix_name”, you can create a link to project page. You can do the same with “projects:”
* project:sourceforge * projects:slashdotjp
Expressed as:
With “ticket:ticket_item_ID” or “#ID of the ticket item”, you can create a link to the ticket-item page with details.
* ticket:100 * #100
Expressed as:
With “prweb:pass”, you can create a link to project web page. If you write “prweb:project_Unix_name:pass”, then it will become the link to the project web page for other projects.
* prweb:/ * prweb:slashdotjp:/?FAQ
Expressed as:
With “id:user's Unix name”, you can create a link to the user's page. You can also use “user:” or “users:”.
* id:sado * user:sugi * users:ishikawa
Expressed as:
With “cvs:pass” or “svn:pass”, you can create a link to the pass of the source code. You can assign other project name, like “cvs:project_name:pass”.
Also, with “rnumber”, you can create a link to a specific revision of Subversion. When you are doing this, you can not assign a project name.
* cvs:/ * svn:slashdotjp:/slashjp/trunk/COPYING * r123
Expressed as:
With “isbn:ISBN number”, you can create a link to a book page on Amazon Japan.
* isbn:4797338261
Expressed as:
Items surrounded with [ ] brackets will be forced to become a link. If you add a space within the brackets, the string text behind that space becomes the display name of the link.
* [FrontPage] * [wiki:FrontPage] * [id:sado sado's page ] * [http://srad.jp/ SRAD Japan]
Expressed as:
更新日時: 2015-06-30 18:03:37, 更新者: sado
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