Due to many reasons including ethical issue, the number of projects who wish to migrate from SourceForge.net to other hosting sites is growing. If a project requests to migrate from SourceForge to OSDN, we are ready to give support to the migration efforts. In the text below, we have put together things to look out for during the migration from SourceForge.net.
Due to the historical background, SourceForge.net and OSDN look very similar regarding site features and architecture. However, both sides have always had different system codebase, and especially now, there's nothing same between the two regarding codes. Also, there's not even a tool for data compatibility or data migration between the two.
That said, because both sides provide similar features, we expect that there will be many cases where project's migration can be handled manually. Also, the members of OSDN staff are fairly acquainted with both SourceForge.net and Apache Allura system, so we can give you appropriate advise regarding data migration and help you with some parts of the migration process.
SourceForge.net's File Release system is a file tree simply composed of directory (folder) and files, and it is greatly different from the structure of OSDN's File Release feature which is managed by packages and releases. That said, on OSDN, there's another mechanism for releasing files, which is called File Storage feature, and how it works is quite similar to SourceForge.net's Release System, and therefore you can easily upload files by using command line tools such as scp, sftp, and rsync.
In other words, if you are going to use the File Storage feature, transferring from SF.net can be done by using sap, sftp, rsync, and other command line tools.
There's a hosting feature called Project Web, which is a Web space set aside for a project exclusively, on both OSDN and SourceForge.net. Regarding the functions of the Project Web, there aren't much differences between the two. Especially with the contents that are built with static HTML/CSS files, all you need to do is to migrate files with scp to complete.
As to the dynamic contents such as CGI are likely to be activated by migrating files and making little changes on things like server name configuration. But because OSDN uses Debian GNU/Linux and SF.net uses CentOS, there are some miniscule differences in the environment and language versions, so please be aware of that. (version list is updated at 2020-03-12)
OSDN | SF.net | |
PHP | 5.6.40 | 7.1.23 |
Perl | 5.20.2 | 5.16.3 |
Python | 2.7.9 | 2.7.5 |
Ruby | 2.1.5p273 | 2.0.0p648 |
Regarding the migration of data on MySQL database, you can make a backup by using tools like mysqldump and import that to OSDN.
After the migration of the project's web contents, set up a redirect site within the web area on SF.net side, so that the users will have no trouble finding where the data has been migrated to. Also, there's a VHOST feature on OSDN side, so if you wish to use a similar VHOST feature, after editing the configuration on DNS server that you are using, configure that on OSDN side as well.
In regards to migrating Git or Mercurial repository, it should be quite simple due to the characteristics of those tools.
As to Subversion repository, if you contact OSDN Support after you generate the repository's dump data, our support team will adequately set up the repository. Also, on Subversion's option settings, you can enable modification of revision properties, so you can use external tools, like svnsync, to copy the repository yourself from SF.net to OSDN.
SF.net features such as ticket, Wiki, and forums are provided through the tool called Apache Allura, and that is the biggest difference between SF.net and OSDN systems. Therefore, it will be difficult to migrate all the data, and the most likely method to adopt will be to migrate all necessary data manually.
On SF.net side, Allura is equipped with API called Allura API, and via API, you can export tools such as ticket, wiki, and forum. To migrate to OSDN side, you will need to register the exported data manually.
OSDN won't be able to help you with all the processes of migration, but we can give you advise on configuration. If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us.
更新日時: 2020-04-25 01:31:26, 更新者: sado
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